Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tigran presented it's rotating titanium brush for cleaning dental implants

According to the manufacturer, the rotating titanium brush not only reduces treatment time significantly compared with traditional manual treatment, but also allows for easier reach of both narrow cavities and implant threads, and hence improves treatment results.

Many dentists obtain unsatisfactory cleaning results with the traditional method of using a surgical hand tool. According to Tigran Technologies, the titanium brush demonstrates excellent results in cleaning the implant threads without damaging the implant surface, something that other methods often do.

“The PeriBrush has a gentle polishing effect deep into the structure of the implant’s surface, which makes it ideal for cleaning dental implants”, said Dr Dirk Duddeck from the University of Cologne’s Dental School, one of the dentists who evaluated the PeriBrush.

“Using the titanium brush for cleaning dental implants is a real time- and cost-saver for the dental practice. A reduced treatment time per patient means higher profitability for our customers,” said Björn Sellert, CEO of Tigran Technologies AB.

Following a thorough cleaning procedure, the jawbone around the implant needs to be stabilised. Tigran’s main product for this is a bone regenerative material based on titanium. PTG (porous titanium granules) is used for rebuilding jawbone resorbed owing to peri-implantitis and other dental diseases.

In 2010, the number of implants placed was estimated to be approximately 11 million globally . About 16 per cent of dental implant patients worldwide are affected by peri-implantitis, which can lead to implant loss if left untreated.

Source: www.dental-tribune.com

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